this post I will tell you whyyou should use “Top Article Directories”
to develop more traffic to your blogor website. Let’s starts,
you have a new blog or brandnew website it will not appear in the
search engines until it crawls on. Thatsimply means your blog will not
be able to appear on search engines even thoughyou searched for your
blog by typing your blog name. More simply your blog hasnot been indexed
on search engines. Until it indexed you can drive traffic toyour blog
by submitting articles to Top Ranked article directories andadvertising
on other sites. In one hand article submission drives more trafficto
your blog and on the other hand it will help your blog to crawl on
searchengines. That means those search engines will look for your blog
and if theyfound your blog is helpful to the community they will add it
to their searchengines. Just type on Google search “what is the
importance of blogging”. Youwill see my blog within first two to three
pages. Let’s move on,
those article sites have ahigher page rank on Google they will appear
within the first page of searchengines. So your article to those
directories will appear on the first page ofthe search result. They will
read that article and then follow your link to seeyour website or web
blog. If the content of your blog is attractive they willbecome regular
members of your blog.
the other important aspectis “How you should write a good article”.
Because most of those articledirectories will only accept the original
articles which are produced by you.So don’t send articles that have been
submitted earlier by any other author.
thing you can selectwhatever topic that you would like to write an
article. But it is better toselect a topic which is closely related to
your blog topic and blog posts.Otherwise they will come to your site but
they will not find what they arelooking for.
writing the article becareful not to tell everything regarding the
topic that you have selected. Ifyou write all the things that you know
about that topic the readers of yourarticle will not come to your site
because they read everything about thattopic from that article. I think
you got it. Simply make some curiosity in themind of the reader
regarding what you tell, and then they will surely come toyour site to
see “what is the next thing that is going to be happening”. So itis
important to put a back link to your website or Blog at the end of
can recommend that this is asuccessful method to improve your blog
traffic, because I did the same thing andimproved my traffic by about
30-40%. But it will take bit more time to write anarticle and send it
and approve it. But it works. Sure.
Above two are two Top articlesites that gave me good result. Visit them and try it up.
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