Which Marketing Strategy Should You Use?
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Best Internet Marketing |
Given all of these options, how is one to know which internet marketing method is the best one? Sure you could test and analyze each method. But, that would take considerable time and money, all which could be spent marketing your business website effectively, without wasting a lot of time just to figure out how. You could do a few Google searches about which marketing method is the best. However, this is likely to confuse you even more, because of the huge variation of search results, all from various marketing firms, blogs, and articles, which espouse anything from blogging to MLM marketing to directory submission. All of which are only parts of the whole, and don’t really tell you anything about which complete methods are best.
The goal of any method that can be called a “best internet marketing strategy“, is to enable your website to be found. When examining and comparing any particular online marketing strategy, always ask yourself whether it works toward this goal.
Will it help your website be found more easily? Will it help your website be found in the right place, at the right time? Does it make your website more visible on the right sites, with the right searches?
These questions are asked upon considering several things about how information and websites are found.
1.Websites are only found when a user/buyer/visitor inputs a search term or phrase of keywords that they feel are most relevant to the searched item, service, information, etc. Websites can not initiate anything online, but must wait to be found by users or visitors.
2.There are over 250 million searches conducted on Google each day.
3.Social media sites, with Facebook taking the lead, have hundreds of millions of users, and are the sources on which users spend a lot of time. YouTube also receives hundreds of millions of users who actively engage on-site every month.
4.Business websites who want online success have to devote their resources to being found, and found easily by the right audience, on sites like Facebook, YouTube, and especially Google. Once you identify the above facts, it becomes a bit easier to identify the best kinds of internet marketing.
Search Engine Optimization of Website
Search engine optimization is imperative in order for your website to be found by Google and other search engines. Without optimizing your website, any other internet marketing methods are futile. However, SEO and organic high ranking in search results are difficult to obtain, because it involves getting Google to agree to put your site there.
There are two kinds of SEO: on-site and off-site. On-site is what you have total control over, as opposed to off-site SEO, which is often in the hands of other websites and webmasters, although there are ways to also have some control over off-site SEO as well.
There are two kinds of SEO: on-site and off-site. On-site is what you have total control over, as opposed to off-site SEO, which is often in the hands of other websites and webmasters, although there are ways to also have some control over off-site SEO as well.
On-site SEO
On-site SEO deals with several details that must be written into the content and into the html code of each web page, with religious consistency.
Page titles and Meta-data
These two aspects of on-site SEO help to signal Google’s crawler that your website is relevant to particular terms or keywords that you designate. For example, if you have a real estate website for real estate company based in southern Ohio, some meta-tags you would list within the html of your web pages would be “real estate southern Ohio,” Ohio real estate company,” and so on. If one of your web pages focuses on a particular agent within that company, a good page title for that web page would be “Ohio real estate agent.” A page title that would not be a good SEO title is the agent’s name, unless he or she is very well known in the area, and people are very likely to conduct a search by that agent’s name. This, however, is rare, and it is usually best to leave specific names, business names, and other non-SEO friendly terms out of the page titles. Always optimize meta-tags, keywords and page titles for potential searches that might be used to find your site. Ask yourself “will these keywords/page titles/meta-tags help my site be found?”
Meta-descriptions are a bit less influential to search than they used to be, but should still be included. This is a description of each web page, with key terms inserted in the description that match the content. The same applies for meta-tags. The terms you list in your meta-tags should also match terms used in the actual content.
Regularly Updated, Original Content
Perhaps even more important now than ever before, is to regularly add original, helpful or otherwise valuable content. Since the Panda updates – which are two updates Google added to their search engine algorithm that had a very big impact upon how search results are ranked. The more original, useful, helpful, unique and consistently added a given website’s content, the better they do in a Google search. Aside from this, having an abundance of good content will help your website in a number of other ways that are also very important to being found online more easily.
Off-site SEO
Off-site SEO has a greater affect upon search engine ranking in search results, which is why not all of it can be controlled by the webmaster. Off-site SEO includes on-site links, inbound links, and deep links. The links that can be controlled entirely by the webmaster are those that link to another relevant web page within the website. However, these do not have nearly as much impact as inbound links from other sites. Inbound links can be one-way, or two-way, with more leverage being given to one-way inbound links. However, websites often engage in “link exchanges” which is to trade inbound links with another website, so each party has equal benefit. However, it’s important to take precaution about what kind of sites you link to. Linking to low quality or black hat SEO websites can harm your SERP ranking (search engine results page), but receiving inbound links from high quality sites will boost your SEO.
By far, the best kind of off-site SEO to acquire are deep links. This another reason why continually adding content is so important. It provides the opportunity to receive deep links, which are inbound links that link to an “inside” web page, or to a “deep” web page or URL within your site. This has huge benefits for SEO, because it like a vote for your website to the search engines. It signifies to Google that your website is a worthwhile, high quality website, verified by another user or webmaster who has indicated your web content is quality content to his own audience. This is one of the ways that Google maintains relevancy and quality in its search results. The reason being, is that webmasters cannot force a high quality website to provide them with a deep link. Additionally, sites that enjoy high search result rankings are not going to risk their reputation or ranking by linking to just any site.
PPC and Social Media Marketing
PPC is an actual online advertising/marketing strategy, where as SEO is an organic, on-going process that is imperative for communicating with Google and other search engines. However, when your business website is still working its way up, before it has acquired inbound links from high quality sites, SEO does not directly market your business, regardless of its importance and necessity. This is why SEO is combined with PPC advertising and other forms of search engine marketing. PPC puts control back into the hands of the webmaster for being found with particular search terms.
However – no one can simply begin a successful PPC campaign without first fully knowing what keywords are being used to search for your type of business or services. PPC campaigns take time to test, analyze and justify keywords that are being paid for, by the traffic and conversion brought about with them. In other words, the keywords chosen in a PPC campaign must be ones that make sense, and indeed are bringing more traffic to your site. Otherwise its just throwing away money. To get to this point however, requires exhaustive keyword research, with tools like Google Adwords.
However – no one can simply begin a successful PPC campaign without first fully knowing what keywords are being used to search for your type of business or services. PPC campaigns take time to test, analyze and justify keywords that are being paid for, by the traffic and conversion brought about with them. In other words, the keywords chosen in a PPC campaign must be ones that make sense, and indeed are bringing more traffic to your site. Otherwise its just throwing away money. To get to this point however, requires exhaustive keyword research, with tools like Google Adwords.
Social Media Marketing: Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and More
Social media marketing offers some advantages over PPC advertising. One of the things that advertisers particularly like about Facebook is having the option to include social profiling and data mining to target their audiences. The information that Facebook users include on their profiles, such as their likes and dislikes, education, marital status, occupation, and other information that is publicly available can be included to find and advertise to a target market or audience. So if a publishing company wants to advertise on Facebook, they can easily find editors, writers, journalists, public relations professionals, and perhaps even those who have already published books that are related subjects of the company. This gives advertisers a huge advantage. And, as social media develops their advertising platforms and capabilities, advertising is likely to become even more advantageous.
LinkedIn is also a good source for certain types of businesses online. Since LinkedIn is a network and social networking site for professionals, businesses may do well to advertise to a higher echelon of users in some cases. For example, if a retailer of men’s suits is establishing itself online and opens an internet marketing campaign, advertising on LinkedIn may be a very good idea, given the type of user on LinkedIn.
YouTube is also an excellent way to take a more creative approach to internet marketing. Video advertising can help an online business to showcase aspects that are otherwise unavailable to the target audience. Especially for business websites that may be selling products or services that are extremely tactile or would otherwise likely cause a potential customer to want to “see” the product or how the service is done before hand, YouTube can be used not only to advertise, but for increasing conversion rates from visitors and customers who want more information, or want to “see” before they agree to making a purchase.
More than that, though, many often overlook the fact that YouTube is also a social media site, which means its interactive, and not just a video-sharing, video-viewing site. YouTube gives businesses advantages such as creating their own channel, tagging it with relevant keywords, sharing video through YouTube emails and bulletins, and listing both their user status and their video under specific categories to be more easily found. Furthermore, businesses can use Facebook accounts to advertise and showcase their YouTube video, and also link back to the business website, providing the opportunity for not only more traffic, but also helping SEO status as well with inbound links.
Which Internet Marketing Method is Best, Then?
If you are thinking that still no particular marketing methods have been identified as the best, that’s because it hasn’t gotten that far yet. The best marketing method is not one individual strategy or advertising platform, but a combination. Most importantly, none of them are a one-shot deal. SEO especially is an ongoing process because content should always be added continually, and therefore all the things that comprise SEO. You should also be working to acquire inbound links from high quality sites whenever the opportunity presents itself – don’t be afraid to ask a webmaster if you feel your site does indeed offer something to his or her audience. PPC should be done more than once because keywords change as trends change in searches, and habitually checking the volume of searches behind a particular keyword is a wise idea. Social media marketing is especially on-going, as more users join, users change information or join groups, or network and share – so can your business.
The best online marketing method is being found on the right sites at the right time, by the right people. This means keeping up with SEO and PPC management, not only in Google and other major search engines but utilizing social media to boost SEO and PPC performance. If these things are done on a regular basis in the right way, your business can acquire all the success you want. Because these things can take time, a lot of online marketing knowledge, and on-going dedication, we are here to help you climb your way to high visibility, more traffic and better conversion rates with only the best online marketing methods. Contact us today for a free initial consultation!
Yeah! very nice idea you've placed in this post regarding internet marketing though it's still confusion to many marketers about which method can bring success here. Anyway, none can do whatever he likes without seo and this can be done also with seo tools online but they should be reliable and affordable for the users. I know about Colibri tool that any blogger must feel easy to use and it's available here http://colibritool.com